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Introduction to Automotive Engineering Technology Program

01/11/2022 00:08  1062

Introduction to Automotive Engineering Technology Program

     1. Overview

Automotive Engineering Technology (AET) is an interdisciplinary training program that intersects with knowledge from many fields such as mechanics, automation, electricity and electronics. The curriculum aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in exploiting and managing vehicle services in order to meet the development of the automobile industry towards the 4.0 industrial revolution.

The educational philosophy of the program

“Learning by Design”

We believe that learning through practice and experience will form professional competencies, professional ethics, and a sense of responsibility to serve the automotive community.

      2. Expected learning outcomes

By the time of graduation, students will attain and demonstrate:


(K1) Apply knowledge of mathematics, social science, and economics in engineering.

(K2) Solve complex engineering problems in the automotive industry based on the combination of knowledge from interdisciplinary disciplines such as mechanics, electricity - electronics, automation and management.

(K3) Design components to form the automotive systems such as machine parts, suspension systems, electrical systems, and automatic control systems.